Technology Integration in Education Curriculum


  • Ilham Muhammad Universitas Pendiidkan Indonesia Author
  • Bimas Reskiawan Universitas Sembilanbelas November Kolaka Author
  • Muhammad Arsyad Universitas Halu Oleo Author


Technology, Bibliometrics, Curriculum


Technology integration in curriculum education has become change paradigm deep in the world of education, responding development rapid technology and needs urge will preparation competent and adaptive future generation. This article do analysis bibliometrics to literature about trend study integration technology in curriculum education for get outlook deep about focus research, trends, and contributions relevant scientific knowledge. Through approach analysis bibliometrics, 577 publications complied criteria inclusion analyzed use tool such as Microsoft Excel, Publish or Perish, and Vosviewer. The result show that interest and focus study to application technology in context education has increase in a way significant, reach peak in 2023. This trend reflect awareness will importance technology in increase quality learning and preparing student for the future digitalized. Additionally, identify focus related research with aspects of "human and curriculum ", "students and teaching", as well as "gender and age " provide outlook about How technology can integrated in a way inclusive and responsive. Implications from study This give contribution important in development based education technology towards a brighter future adaptive and innovative


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How to Cite

Muhammad, I., Reskiawan, B., & Arsyad, M. (2024). Technology Integration in Education Curriculum. Journal of Education Global, 2(1), 1-9.