
  • Yogi Nurfauzi STKIP Majenang Author


economic education, Bibliometrics, scopus


Study This explore role important education economy in form understanding individual about concepts and principles underlying economics​ life daily as well as global economy. Through analysis bibliometrics to existing literature, research​ This identifies trend, focus research, and contributions scientific in field education economy for 15 years final. Data obtained from the Scopus database, analyzed use PRISM method that includes stage identification, screening, eligibility, and inclusion. Analysis results show trend enhancement significant in amount publication related education economics, with peak in 2022. Research​ this also highlights cooperation strong international standing, with the United States, Germany and Indonesia as contributor main. Focus study divided become a number of cluster, incl literacy finance, education finance, entrepreneurship, and impact COVID-19 pandemic. Apart from that, themes new like "local wisdom" started appear, show dynamics and development significant in field This. Findings This expected can contribute to improvement quality education economic and productive ready graduates​ face challenge economy in the future


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How to Cite

Nurfauzi, Y. (2024). TRENDS IN ECONOMIC EDUCATION RESEARCH: BIBLIOMETRIC ANALYSIS. Journal of Education Global, 2(1), 42-29.

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