Identification of The Causes of Medical Record Misfiling at Surabaya Medical Service Hospital


  • Nadira Anggraini Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Author
  • Mohammad Yusuf Setiawan Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Author
  • Alfina Aisatus Saadah Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Author


Misfile, Medical Records, 5M Approach, Surabaya Medical Service Hospita


Misfile is a phenomenon that occurs in document filing. In this research, the researcher investigates the misfile of medical record documents at Surabaya Medical Service Hospital. This study aims to identify the causes of misfile of medical record documents at Surabaya Medical Service Hospital. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative. The results of the study show that there are several main causes of misfile, in five main aspects of management, namely man, money, material, machine, and method. From the interviews conducted by the researcher, misfile caused by man, as many as 50% or 4 respondents strongly agreed to conduct training in organizing medical record files. Misfile caused by money, as many as 5 respondents (50%) strongly agreed on the allocation of funds for medical record storage technology. Misfile caused by material, as many as 6 respondents (62%) strongly agreed that the quality of storage racks could reduce the errors in storing medical records. Misfile caused by machine, as many as 6 respondents (75%) agreed that the use of tracers (outguides) greatly helped in maintaining the accuracy of storing medical record files, and 4 respondents (50%) strongly agreed on the use of barcode scanners in retrieving lost medical record files, with 6 respondents (62%) agreeing that the use of computerization could reduce errors in the placement and storage of medical record files. Misfile caused by method, as many as 4-6 respondents (50%-62%) strongly agreed on the importance of regular review and updating of SOPs for medical record storage to maintain data accuracy, and the implementation of SOPs could reduce errors in storing medical record files. These findings underline the importance of effective medical record management and provide a basis for designing solutions that can improve the efficiency and effectiveness of medical record services in hospitals. This research is expected to provide an objective overview of the actual filing situation of medical records at Surabaya Medical Service Hospital and encourage system improvements in the future.


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How to Cite

Identification of The Causes of Medical Record Misfiling at Surabaya Medical Service Hospital. (2024). Journal of Multidisciplinary Global , 1(3), 222-232.

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