Tsunami Hazard Level Mapping to Determine Evacuation Routes and Shelters in The Coastal Area of Cilacap District Using Geographic Information System
Mapping, Tsunami Hazard, Evacuation Shelters, Evacuation Routes, GISAbstract
Indonesia is located in a region with a high risk of natural disasters. Data shows that Indonesia has one of the highest seismicity rates in the world. Most of these earthquakes occur at the bottom of the Indian Ocean, and some of them can trigger large ocean waves, known as tsunamis, especially in the area around Java Island. The southern coastal region of Java Island, especially Cilacap Regency, is a highly vulnerable area to tsunamis in Indonesia due to the subduction of the Eurasian and Australian plates south of Cilacap. The research was conducted using survey method with data processing using descriptive analysis method supported by weighting and scoring analysis and network analysis in Geographic Information System. The results show that the coastal areas of Cilacap Regency have 3 levels of hazard, namely low, medium and high hazard. The area with the highest level of high hazard is Kampung Laut Sub-district with an area of 56.56 km2. People in the coastal area of Cilacap Regency can use 50 evacuation routes to evacuate to 21 shelters scattered around the research area. Places that are used as shelters are educational facilities in 11 locations, health facilities in 2 locations, and multipurpose buildings or vacant land in 6 locations
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